The moniker my parents decided to bestow upon me is Felicia. Not to be confused with crack head Felicia from the movie "Friday". I have been on this planet for 26 years so far, and I must say, this roller coaster is the craziest thing ever. I love the way my life has turned out and I'm thankful everyday for waking up again in this crazy-awful-beautiful thing called life. I burst into song occasionally and can tell you who sings it, the name of the song, most of the lyrics and possibly the year it came out. Music affects me in a way that is sometimes hazardous to my health. I will be driving down the street and a sad song will come on, within seconds I'm crying like baby. I have a few vices and addictions but nothing that will kill me, well not immediately lol. I am completely addicted to THE WALKING DEAD! I mention this because it will most likely be a weekly topic come February 10th. I normally host viewing parties every Sunday night where everybody understands that there is absolutely NO talking during the show. This is normally not a problem since all my "homies" are just as addicted as me. I never mean to offend anyone or 'ruffle feathers' as they say but somehow it always ends up that way. I am a very friendly person until you piss me off then I will be a bitch. It wont ever matter to me how much shit you talk behind my back because that just means you are too pussy to say it to my face. I don't lose sleep at night because I think someone doesn't like me. I have a karma-will-get-you-in-the-end attitude about most things. I am very opinionated, if you haven't guessed already. I have my own thoughts and I enjoy sharing them, which is why I created this blog lol. If I ever go off on a rant about politics or gun control (which is bound to happen), you can ignore it or choose to agree with me, but I don't care that you don't agree with me. You have every right not to agree with me, and I respect that. So please respect me. A lot of what I say you can take with a grain of salt. I don't even take me seriously half the time, so I really don't expect anyone else to. I have a baby sister that is almost 6 years old. We do not share a mother, which is good thing because if I had her Mom as my Mom I would've ran away in the womb. My Dad has custody of little Cheyenne which is the best place for her. Which is awesome because she's only 7 miles away. When I found out The Devil was pregnant, I figured I would HATE whatever offspring came outta that thing. I was 20 when Chey was born and was also in the Army so I did not meet her until she was about 8 months old. From the first minute I held her, I was completely mesmerized by her. She is such a smart little girl and she says the craziest things sometimes. My favorite thing to do with her is drive her around listening to her sing a long with the radio, then when a good one comes on, she yells "Turn it up!" and we rock out!! It is great. I have been married to the greatest man since July 2011. It's hard to believe that I found the one man that loves burnt popcorn just as much as I do. In my blog, I will refer to His Awesomeness as the Hubs or Hubby, just for future reference ;) Hubs and I are currently child-less which is just how we like it for now. Last year we went through the loss of a pregnancy and decided after that ordeal that we'd wait until we were truly ready. He is the peanut butter to my jelly. We argue all the time, which makes for fun stories because we argue about the most retarded crap ever. I'm pretty sure we only argue when Aunt Flo is visiting and its mainly my hormones and emotional bullshit that causes it. We apologize quickly and make up a week later lol. Without the two people I just mentioned, I could not imagine what my life would be like. They are the first two things I think about when I wake up in the morning and I love them more than I'd ever expected I could love another human being. I'm sure whenever or if ever I have my own child, I will feel this way about them. But for now, I'm happy being crazy about my Hubby and my Mini-Me.
There are some other AMAZING people that I allow in my bubble, but only the nerdy weird ones. I have a few best friends, but only one that lives close enough that we are in contact everyday and know everything happening in each others lives. I've known my Jesse for abour 2 or 3 years I guess, it's basically like we've been friends forever so I loose track easily. She could probably give you a better estimate lol. I am her Fe Fe, for some reason she saw fit to nickname me after an incredibly smart poodle she met at work one day. I don't know whether to be insulted or flattered, but since the poodle was cute and I myself am not unfortunate looking, I am flattered lol. Her boyfriend Shain is a new addition and a recently outed leprechaun apparently. He is pretty bad ass as far as best friend's boyfriends go. I couldn't be happier that she is finally happy and being loved the way she deserves :) Alicia and her husband Mike are also new add-ons. My name is Felicia Marie... her name is Alicia Marie... this is bad ass to me! Just our names alone cause for us to be best friends lol, the fact that she happens to be awesome too, just takes it up a notch. Thanks to her I am now on the right track to losing the weight I've been carrying around... I will talk more about my journey into diet and exercise in another story if you decide to come back and read my nonsense.
Ba ba ba ba IM LOVIN IT!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat name great humor (of course great minds think alike) I look forward to being a regular reader :) my dearest Fe Fe our blogs are going to be the most epic blogs EVA maybe one day they will just merge into a super duper atomic awesomeNess blog we can create our own network line oprah did with harpo... what would we call it? aicilef and essej ? We will talk more about this subject later love
I love that idea!!! It will totally happen lmao :)