This blog writing stuff is pretty hard. I'm just saying. It takes a lot out of my brain to sit and think of something interesting that you Jokers would enjoy reading. The problem is that I just dont think I'm very interesting. I mean, apparently I am because a good handful of you awesome amazing people have continued to tune in whenever I write one, and believe me that I am sooo greatful that you do. It's a good feeling knowing some people like to check in and see what I have to say. So I just want to give a quick shout out to you my dears and a huge THANKS a bunch and I LOVE the heck outta ya! **big hugs, cheers, and rum all 'round**
So now that I've gotten all the mushy junk outta the way, on to the actual topic of today's nonsense... binging. It's an epidemic I tell you, and thanks to the interewebs has gotten worse! I bring this topic to your attention because I myself, am a binger. My friends, I admit to you, that I have an addiction....
I'd guess the root of my addiction goes back to 2002 when I moved in with my Mom after a few years with my Dad. Divorce kid here, it blew... anywho... all of my sisters watched "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and I had never really watched it before. They got me hooked on it, and to this day Buffy remains my favorite TV show of all time. I picked it up in like the 2nd to last season, so had missed a whole lot of pertinent information. Since the interwebs were not nearly as advanced then as they are now, I had to slowly but surely acquire all 7 seasons of the amazingness of Joss Whedon's imagination on DVD. I binged, for hours, for days, who knows how long really... watching every episode of that entire series, and would do it again in a heartbeat because that show is just that great lol. I lost hours, getting lost in this TV show, and have noticed that I have done it recently as well. It's back, my addiction to TVSB... Television Show Binging.
I am currently addicted to 3 TV shows that have me on Hulu or Netflix almost every day of the week. I am also interested in starting other shows, which I have to start from season 1 becuase I cant miss anything. I've previously binged on Grey's Anatomy a few seasons ago. I caught up to where it was on TV, and then they killed Lexi and Mark, my two favortie characters, so I quit watching. Oh sorry if I just gave anything away for you other bingers, I guess I should've said Spoiler Alert. Recently I got re-interested in the happenings at Seattle Grace-Mercy West and needed to catch up. I created a HuluPlus account for this reason alone. One day a few weekends ago, I watched every episode from the episode where Lexi dies until where they are now. And I'm super glad that I did because the show has gotten more awesomer... is that a word? Awesomer.... I dunno but I'm gonna use it anyways. I've caught myself using Hulu even to watch new episodes mainly because Grey's and my other addiction, Nashville, aren't shows Hubs likes to watch, so I just wait an extra day and catch up then.
Nashville I had watched about 20 minutes of the pilot when it first started. I decided I didnt like it because it was about country music... and I didnt want to pervert my fantasy about what it's like to be a country singer, which has been a dream of mine since I was 4 years old. Anyways, after a day of binging on Grey's, I had run out of episodes but hadn't gotten my fix of TV shows. I was browsing Hulu and decided I'd give Nashville another try. I watched the whole pilot this time, and found myself clicking to the start the 2nd episode as soon as the first was over... I had found a new TV show to binge on. It hasnt been on nearly as long as Grey's and only has 16 episodes so far, but that kept me busy for a whole week after I got off work. Are you beginning to see how binging could cut in on life-time? People, myself included, are losing valuable hours binging on TV shows. Are we just that lazy, or are the TV shows just that good that we cant stop tuning in? Not that I'm complaing of course, as a person with this addiction myself, I am perfectly happy in my cozy binging bubble.
The Walking Dead is one TV show that we watch every single marathon of. Even if we have to sit through the commercials. Hubs is just as crazy about this show as me, so it's something we can do together :) We have seen season one 4 times, season two 3 times, and season three (with the exception of the finale episode) twice... and it's just as good every time. I go into withdrawls every time the show takes a hiatus... which is like 6 months long!!! WHYYYY do they do this to US!!!!!!!! Big jerks. This time is going to be especially bad because I'll be asking myself (spoiler alert) WHERE THE HELL DID THE GOVENOR GO? until freaking October! This was definitely a season where predictions for the next season would be fruitless... I think I'll be suprised no matter what happens. As a person who also binged on the graphic novel of The Walking Dead, I know the show hasn't really followed the book at all. I love both versions, and the only way I'd quit watching The Walking Dead is if they killed off Daryl, Maggie, or Glen... then I'd be pissed and would riot until they were resurrected... it's Hollywood, they can do it.
In the near future I see myself binging on at least 3 more TV shows thanks to Hulu, and it may even be more because as I've been sitting here typing this, I have thought of 2 or 3 more that I'd like to be immersed in. These include: Sparticus, True Blood, Weeds, How I Met Your Mother, and I'm thinking I'd like to check out Buffy again, even though it will just leave me wishing for Joss Whedon to resurrect the show. My DVD set is in Nevada with my Momma so Hulu will have to do for that as well.
Before you think that all I do is binge on TV shows, let me assure you that I also binge on books. I am a helluva reader and have lost many hours to my own imagination and words on a page also. If the book is good enough I can finish it in a day. My sister Sam could read an entire book in one bath, granted she'd be pruned up by the time she got out, she still finished the book. Maybe she rubbed off on me a little bit. Which books I've binged on is a list entirely too long for this blog but it could end up as a topic in the future.
If you have a suggestion for something I should binge on... TV show, movie, music, or book related (keep it clean pervs :P)... just hit me up with a comment and I'll be sure to check it out.
Now for a bit of shameless plugging.... if you are on Facebook, which I'm sure you are since you are reading this and most likely connected to it through Facebook, you should check out my Jesse's page, HEY FREDDIE!... I also make an appearance on there as well since she was awesome enough to make me an admin. She also has a blog that you should check out too...
Hey Freddie: The Facebook Page
Hey Freddie: The Blog
Well, thats all folks... next week, maybe I will compare 1984's Red Dawn to 2012's Red Dawn... and how Patrick Swayze was a better teenage-militia leader than Chris Hemsworth.... maybe, just maybe...
Later, Lovelies <3
Holy shit balls batman! Love the Andrea pic lmao thanks for promoting the page we need it over there! Lol and I do the same thing I get hooked on a show and could watch every episode over and over. The u.s. shameless is a good one if you can find it online, another good site to try is try dexter! Its good I'm gonna watch it next! Lol love us girl