Wednesday, February 20, 2013

90's kid... and Proud :)

My birth year is 1986. This means that in 1991, I turned 5 years old, therefore am a 90's kid. As far as decades in my life go, I must say that the 90's were my favorite. The cartoons were better, the TV shows were better, and Disney movies still taught an important lesson. Yes, we had it good pre-Jersey Shore. Back when it was still considered a bad thing for a 13 year old to get pregnant. Now we just make a TV show about it. Family secrets stayed secrets. I cant say much for the music of the decade though. I mean, do we really want to be the ones responsible for the careers of Britney Spears, 98 Degrees, and Backstreet Boys? I know I don't want to claim it, but I'll admit that I did listen and enjoy all three of those performers. Including NSync (pre-Justin split) and Cristina Aguilara (pre-voicebox split). I was a gamer of Mario Brothers and Donkey Kong. I cant even play video games now because there are too many buttons, which is the same reason I don't fly planes. I figure neither situation would end well. I get dead... as I say. Props to the people that can play video games these days. We had TV shows like Blossom and Full House. The Olsen twins didn't have a gazillion dollars and eating disorders. They were still cute as a button and every little girl, including myself, wished we had a family like the Tanners. We had the inspirational cleanliness of 7th Heaven. I guarantee if they tried to come out with a 7th Heaven-esque type show, they be shot down before they could even pitch the concept. However, if they tried to make Jersey Shore in the 90s they would have gotten the Real World. Except the Real World wasn't even that bad compared to Jersey Shore. I remember when MTV still played music videos instead of Teen Mom and Catfish, a show about getting screwed on the internet. Honey Boo Boo wasn't even a glimpse in the ugly eye of her horse mother. Exploiting children was still done behind doors instead of on mainstream television. Songs made sense. I remember sitting by my stereo for hours hitting record and stop while recording songs from the radio onto a cassette tape. I remember begging my parents to buy me a new CD. Now I can go to Pandora and listen to all the songs I want for free. Everybody wants to be famous but nobody wants to work for it. Half the people that were famous in 90s would probably drown in today's scene. The only person in the 90s who is equally famous if not more famous now is Doogie Houser, or Neil Patrick Harris for all you youngins. Yep, he stole hearts as the youngest doctor on TV and made way for the talking journals on most TV shows you see today. Yes, if you ask me, the 90s were tops as far as entertainment goes. Obviously as a child, I wouldn't care about politics or religion or anything of real substance concerning the decade. I'm sure some important shit happened that decade that I'm leaving out because I didn't know about it. You know what I miss?? Saturday Morning cartoons. Man they were awesome. I remember actually waking up earlier on Saturday mornings just so I could get to the TV before anyone else so I could watch cartoons. I remember going in the bathroom to play Bloody Mary or Candyman. Never heard of it??? Go in the bathroom, turn off the light, say Bloody Mary or Candyman 5 times and I swear they'll show up in the mirror! My favorite memory concerning these games was my friend Meagan's birthday party. There were like 4 or 5 of us and we all squeezed into the bathroom at Meagan's house and switched off the light. We started saying the name and then we FREAKED the EFF out!! Meagan's mom Katrina comes running and slams the door open with a look of sheer terror on her face. The 4 or 5 of us scramble out half screaming and half laughing as Katrina's blood pressure returned to normal. Man, that was great. I don't know who came up with those dumb games, but they sure entertained at every slumber party! I realize this blog has kind of just rambled on and skipped all over the place and if you've made it this far I applaud you lol. Not many people can keep up with my sporadic thoughts. There are so many more things I could say about the 90's and how I love them and why the 2000s and 20teens suck balls, but I'm running on empty and need to hit the hay! Thanks for reading friends!!! Now, go watch some Boy Meets World, drink some Surge, play some old school Nintendo, and look over your POG collection for the gazillionth time! Hope your dreams are the bomb!!! 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Un-officially Official!!!

Hello again my Lovelies!!! Happy Valentimes Day!!! Welcome to the Jungle!!! Today my topic is work! I know I know, you just got home from work or are getting ready to go to work, why the heck would you want to read about it? Better yet, why the heck would I want to WRITE about it... well, I have a good reason. I told you recently about my new job that I started this past Monday. Well, I am in day 4 of my new career, and I LOVE ITTT!!!!! I haven't done very much at all as I am not licensed yet and wont be until I study my butt off and pass the test. I have not picked up any kind of text book in 8 years or so, so this should be interesting. I used to be good at studying back in high school as long as it wasn't any kind of math, math sucks and I hate it... why do I need it when my smart phone can do it for me?? Exactly!!! Plus, my smart phone is smarter than me anyways, eventually it will be able to do my job for me completely... but that's far off yet.. I hope. For now, I am sitting behind that desk, and am going to work the hardest I've ever worked to study and pass this test and absorb every little thing my awesome boss has to teach me, because she is absolutely the best at what she does!


I have never ever ever ever ever ever (sorry had a Taylor Swift moment) had my name on something this cool! I mean I know it's not all glitz and glam, but it's my name on my own name plate... on a desk... where my pictures are... and I can put anything I want in my drawers... and and and it's just so stinkin awesome! I've had my first name on plenty of things, like crappy name tags for all the crappy places I've worked. I had my maiden name, Hensley, on an awesome name tag when I was in the Army. But now, I don't have to wear my name on my chest so people automatically look at my boobs... I seriously think that's why we have to wear them there. They will look on my desk and they will see that I'm someone semi-important because I have a name plate. I know that I am overdoing the whole name plate thing seeing as it's not even engraved... but you know, this is the most exciting thing to happen to me since I met and married the love of my life. So I think I'm allowed to bask in this for a little while. I say that I am unofficially official because I am not yet licensed and can pretty much only answer the phone, do some paperwork, and take your insurance payment lol... but I'm learning and that's the good thing. The voice in my head lately has just been repeating The Offspring's "You're gonna go far, Kid", but only that one line because the rest of the song doesn't really pertain to the situation lol.

Well folks, that's my input for the day. Oh wait I have to say this because my brother in law said it earlier and I thought it was the most hilarious thing I had heard all day. We were watching the news, and I know this is kinda old news, but we were watching a story about the Pope resigning. This is how our conversation went...

Me: That's kinda weird you know. Popes don't normally resign, they just die.
BIL: That's what I thought. The last one that resigned was a long long time ago.
Me: Well yeah, cause normally once you're the Pope, you're the friggin Pope!
BIL: Yeah, there is none of this un-popeing!
(It's probably a good thing we are not Catholic or we'd be banished or something)

Well, Love Y'all!!! Don't forget to tell 'em YOU LOVE THEM!!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Make New Friends, but Keep the Old

I was a Girl Scout. Yes, it's very hard to believe that I was once one of those adorable little girls you want to either strangle or spoil when you see them selling cookies at the entrance of your local Wal-Mart. Anyways, this fact really has nothing to do with what I am writing about today, the only reason I mention it is so that I can tell you about a song that I learned while I was a girl scout. I'm not sure if it's called the Friendship song, or the Make New Friends song, or whatever the hell they called it, but it has stuck with me since I was a wee lass.  (At bottom of page is the lyrics to the song in case you don't them.)

These 2 girls with me in the picture above are my longest friends I've had. I feel the need to talk about them because they both live so far away and I never get to tell them how much they really mean to me. I'm pretty sure I met Kayla first in Mr. Chennault's Driver's Ed class. We started talking because of my big brother's best friend Josh, whom Kayla happened to be crushing on very hard back in those days lol. I remember having a huge crush on her brother James, and since Josh was pretty much like a brother to us, we came out pretty even. It was early on in my Junior year at West Valley, I had just transferred in from Texas, so I was super nervous and glad this girl talked to me! I don't remember the exact moment I met Crystal, all I do remember really is that she was a freshman and I was a junior, Kayla was a sophomore. All 3 of us pretty much feel into step with each other. Kayla once forced me try out for cheerleading with her... that was a major fail on my part. There's no way I should have ever been in that try out lmao. I still have the letters we would right back and forth to each other, and trust me there are hundreds. We once had a notebook that we would just pass back and forth but I do not know what became of said notebook. We have millions of pictures and memories. Crystal and I once hated each other in high school. I made a huge mistake and decided I didn't want her as my friend... but to my surprise, she became the best friend I've ever had, even when I started all kinds of mean rumors about her. She somehow and for some reason forgave me for it. I really cant say that I was the nicest teenager, and she can definitely attest to the fact that I was not. After I graduated and went of to college, of course we grew apart. We still saw each other, but eventually I moved farther away while they stayed in Hemet. All 3 of us have been through so much and all of it pretty much away from each other, yet whenever we talk or text, it's like we never stopped talking ever. I sometimes thank God for Facebook because if it weren't for that awesome website, I wouldn't be able to keep up with them as much as I do.

I've had a lot of really good friends over the years. Moving around as much as we did, I didn't stay in one place longer than a year normally, so I really got a new best friend at every school I went to. Chelsea was my Beaches bestie lol. I met her in my senior year at West Valley, and I don't know how but we became like sisters very quickly. We pretty much did everything together. I had never seen the movie "Beaches" until I met her. You know the Bette Midler-Barbara Hershey chick flick that you cant get through watching it without a-crying your eyes out, b-singing along when Bette Midler sings Wind Beneath my Wings, and c-calling your best friend as soon as its over to tell them how much they mean to you. After I went to college, Chels and I would write letters back and forth but it didn't really last that long. I had some really awesome memories with her. I moved into the dorms when I went to college where I met a few pretty amazing women. My hall-mates were all great, and each taught me something different and new. After college, I moved into a no bedroom studio apartment with an awesome chick I met a week after I started working at Dominos. Liz and I became friends so fast that within a week, people were asking us if we were related. She helped me out in so many ways. She introduced me to an amazing church in Colton where I helped lead my Mom and brother to Christ and watch both of them baptized. She introduced me to my first real love even though it didn't last, I'll always be grateful to her for that. I moved away again which ended the geographical convience of a friendship. She has done absolutely great, and because of Facebook again, I was able to meet her beautiful daughter through the pictures she posts.

I know that I have talked a little about these two before but I feel the need to elaborate about my "new friends" in this blog about old friends and new. So then it comes to Jesse and Alicia. I've known Jesse since 2009 I guess, and at first I wasn't sure what to think about her. The whole situation caught me of guard, but once I became accustomed to it, I realized that this girl is the bees knees!! We have a gazillion things in common and think completely on the same wave length. I learn new things from and about this chick every time we hang out. I call her almost on a daily basis and if I don't then I Facebook her. (Yes, I Facebook a lot!) She knows everything in my life everyday and even sometimes probably too much lol. She's the kind of friend that you can NEVER unfriend even if you wanted to because they know just wayyy to much about you. She is the kind of friend that truly means it when she says she will be there, regardless of the situation, to the best of her ability. She's a pretty darn awesome best friend if I do say so myself. Alicia is the new girl lol. I met her in October but it turns out that I actually went to Caney Creek with her in the 10th grade while she was a junior but we did not know each other. I did know her brother though, he was in a couple of my classes and I'm pretty sure he liked me, but I was quite delirious when it came to boys back then, always thinking they liked me when they didn't, you know typical teenage girl stuff. But anyways, back to Alicia, turns out that I make friends fast in any situation because after 4 months of knowing this girl, she has already been granted best friend status and normally that takes much longer lol. I am picky about friends and who I let close to me because of many "friends" that I've had in the past. So the term best friend is not used loosely in Fefe Land. She is helping me out so much and has given me a wonderful opportunity. I must say that as far as bosses and friends go, she is totes amazeballs!!!

All of the girls I have talked about are all one of a kind friends and each have proven to be my best friends over and over. I cant imagine what my life would've been without them in it. I hope yall read this so that you know how much you mean to me since I know that I do not tell you enough. Thanks girls!!!

Song Lyrics to "Make New Friends" or the "Friendship Song" whatever it is called!

Make new friends,
but keep the old.
One is silver,
the other is gold.
A circle is round,
it has no end.
That's how long,
I will be your friend.

A fire burns bright,
it warms the heart.
We've been friends,
from the very start.

You have one hand,
I have the other.
Put them together,
We have each other.

Silver is precious,
Gold is too.
I am precious,
and so are you.

You help me,
and I'll help you
and together
we will see it through.

The sky is blue
The Earth is green
I can help
to keep it clean

Across the land
Across the sea
Friends forever
We will always be

Saturday, February 9, 2013

My Obession

"I leave that radio playing the same old country station where ya left it, ya man I crank it up,
and you'd probably punch my arm right now, if you saw this tear rolling down my face, hey man I'm trying to be tough. And Momma asked me this morning if I'd been by your grave, but that flag and stone aint where I feel you anyway... I drive your truck, yeah I roll every window down, and I burn up every back road in this town, I find a field, I tear it up, till all this pain is a cloud of dust, yeah sometimes, brother sometimes, I drive your truck..."

*wiping tears...*

Phew, those are some powerful song lyrics, right? Hell yeah right!!

I have mentioned previously how music affects me a little differently than normal. I have an obsession with it really. I am not musically gifted in any way, although I can rock the karaoke mic at the local honky tonks. I used to play the flute, yes the flute, when I was in the 4th grade, but it never really stuck with me. I was in choir in middle school, then again in college, but I couldn't connect with the songs we were singing and in a group you cant even hear me so it wasn't important to me lol. The reason I didn't connect with the songs is because in middle school all we sang about was kid crap, and in college we sang a praise be to Jesus songs because I attended a Southern Baptist University. Don't get me wrong though, I LOVE a good worship song, just not so crazy about old timey hymns. I wanna be pumped when I'm praising God, not falling asleep standing. Anyways back to the topic at hand.... I love a good harmony but my favorite part about music are the lyrics. This is probably the reason I don't listen to much Rap (or CRap as I call it). You cant understand the lyrics and if you can, its not like you can relate to it. When in my life have I ever been in a stretch limo with the fellas on my left and the honeys on the right passin around Cristal and getting crunk??? Yeah, NEVER would be the correct answer! There is some CRap that I will listen to but only because it was made before the Drakes (yall remember that kid from Degrassi... what a dousche) and Nicki Minajs ruined the genre forever. Mainly however I listen to Country, Hard Rock, some Metal (very minimal), and whatever genre Mumford and Sons belongs in.

When it comes to country music, it doesn't matter what time frame it came from. My family is from Texas and we are very country. Some may even call us rednecks, but its whatevs, I'm damn proud of it! So I've listened to country my entire life. I went through the rebellious phase in high school where I blared rock and even rap through my bedroom as loud as it would go, but I eventually returned to my roots and discovered, I love country music too much to ever ban my ears from hearing it! If you are not a fan, I dare you to just turn on any country music radio station and find a single song that you cannot relate to in any way at all and please let me know, because I don't think it's possible. The song I quoted at the top up there is from a song called "I Drive Your Truck" by Lee Brice. This is the song I heard for the first time while driving and I balled my eyes out! It just adds to your notion that all country music is sad... but it's not. Go listen to "She Cranks my Tractor" by Dustin Lynch... or "My Kinda Party" by Jason Aldean... oh oh or "(Country Girl) Shake it For Me" by Luke Bryan... that is country's version of booty-shakin music. And it works!!! Not to mention the lyrics make you laugh and think to yourself "I want to have a 'my kinda party' kinda party"!!! In fact, I just had that thought the other day lol! Also, you cannot confuse me with the Taylor Swift fans... writing songs about your exs is soooo 2010! I was loved her, back when she was like 16 and still all cute and girly... then she grew up to be as tall as Michael Jordan... that's just unnatural lmao.

Rock and Metal are what I listen to when I'm pissed off. Or when I just feel like rocking the fuzz out! There's nothing better to me then rolling down the windows and blaring Breaking(Broken) Benjamin and 30 Seconds to Mars, Staind, or Shinedown. I love me some Metallica and As I Lay Dying, Bullet for my Valentine... there are really just too many to list off, we'd be here all day and I'm sure you have shit to do. I understand that you can easily argue that you cant understand the lyrics in metal either, but on the contrary my dear friends, you can, well sometimes anyway. I'm not sure if Mumford and Sons qualifies in the rock genre, country genre, or folk genre... but I have just made them their own genre, it's call ABSOLUTE AMAZINGNESS! I would both my arms to go to a Mumford show and not have to travel to the UK to do it. MUMFORD AND SONS PLEASE DO A US TOUR!!!!! Anyways, I absolutely love their stuff. The lyrics are just amazing and the way they sing and harmonize just makes me... mmmmhhhmmm!! I could listen to them for hours. I thank my Jesse for introducing me to that awesomeness. Now I cant get enough of them :)

I've talked a lot about modern music, but I cannot count out my secret passion for Classic rock and 80s hairbands. Oh yeah, Journey, Poison, White Snake, Queen, Bon Jovi, Joan Jett, Heart, Foreigner, Survivor, Guns N Roses, Def Leppard, Lynard Skynard... the list can go on and on. My mother is the culprit of introducing me to this. And she is great for doing it. My mom and dad always had radio wars, if we were in the car with Dad it was either Country or ESPN radio... if we were riding with Mom, it was classic rock! Journey is my favorite band to listen to when working out. You cant hear "Don't Stop Believing" without getting super pumped and motivated.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Topics of Complete Randomness

Well hello again Crazzies!!! I do realize that in order for this blog to be successful, I need to write them, however the last week and a half have been ridiculously busy and I have not had the time to sit down and write... for this I apologize to both you and myself. This is a great outlet for me, and I have disappointed myself that I have not kept up with it. Shame on me Fe fe! So this blog is gonna cover loads of different random topics so please bare with me and we will get through this together my friends!

First up, my favorite topic of the 3 or 4 I will discuss, THE SUPERBOWL!!! I realize I'm almost a week late with this one but I have to talk about it or my head will explode. I am a huge football fan, and for us football fans, regardless of who is playing, the Superbowl is a very important staple in our year. XLVII was a GREAT match up between the Baltimore Ravens and San Francisco 49ers. Neither team is 'my' team, I am a Dallas Cowboys and Houston Texans fan, however I LOVE Colin Kaerpernick (49ers QB) and a few of the Ravens players like Ray Lewis, Joe Flacco, and Michael Oher (yes, the Blind Side is one of my favorite movies lol). I didn't really have a favorite to win, but I was cheering for the 49ers. I changed my mind after the 2nd touchdown for the Ravens. Yes, I switched up in the middle of the game, and I don't care what you think about it lol. Play of the Game definitely goes the New Orleans Superdome for apparently not paying the light bill and causing half the stadium to lose power seconds into the 3rd quarter. C'mon New Orleans, you haven't hosted a Superbowl in 11 years, and the year you get to, you cant pay the light bill??? Of course I cannot mention the Superbowl without touching on the Halftime show. BeyoncĂ© did a good job and if you haven't seen the amazing 'discriminating' pictures of her online, you should look them up because they are absolutely hilarious!!! I have to admit that as a kid that grew up in the 90's, the moment Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams showed up on that stage, I was like a 6 year old that just found out they were going to Disneyworld for the first time! I loved Destiny's Child and I will admit I was upset when they split. It was awesome to see them all on stage together again. I did not like Alicia Keys' version of the Star Spangled Banner. So in the end, after quite a comeback by the 49ers who were 22 points down at the half, the Ravens ended up taking the cake, the Rings, and the Lombardi Trophy back to Baltimore for the 2nd time in franchise history. Great game Ravens!!! Now I am looking forward to the 2013 season and praying to my God that the Dallas Cowboys can at least make the playoffs next season. I'm confident that during the offseason they will make the leadership changes they need to in order to run a successful football team. And I am pretty sure that the Houston Texans will be a lot like this past season. They are playing great and the return of Brian Cushing offers more hope. Ok, so that's my football rant, onto the next....

I GOT A NEW JOB!!! Woot Woot!!! I am so super stoked to have been given this absolutely awesome opportunity. Starting Monday, I will be working at Allstate Insurance as a secretary for now, but I'll be learning from THE BEST agent in the region, so I know that I will be the fast track to getting my license. I am so happy that I can finally get on my way to a real career. I was so tired of working at a fish restaurant. I have been with my current employers for about 14 months and I used to enjoy my job, and then it got drama-filled and tedious. When I found out I was pregnant last year, I took a 'leave of absence' because the manager at the time was beeeotch and a hypocrite. So after a talk with the owner, we decided I would take a leave of absence... after I had the miscarriage, I asked them to come back because the manager mentioned had quit. After a year with the company and pretty much being able to run the place with my eyes closed, I was still being treated like the bottom of the totem pole and getting less hours than people who didn't do their jobs. This got annoying. After being shorted 21 hours on a paycheck, and a promised raise not being delivered, I had to find something else. Thank goodness for Alicia and helping me get my foot in the door at Allstate. She has been totally great, and I cannot wait to start picking her brain and learning the game, I have an awesome feeling about this and I think I'm going to be great at it! Yayyy for me!!! Next up...

The Walking Dead returns this SUNDAY!!! I am so excited, I'm almost peeing my pants just thinking about it... ok not really, just metaphoric pee. **SPOILER ALERT** just for those of you who haven't watched the last half of season 3... you should stop reading now, or just skip down to the last paragraph lol. So we left off with Daryl and Merle stuck in the middle of Woodbury's crazy zombie fighting ring. The Governor has lost his eye and his creepy walker daughter by the blade of Michonne's awesome katana. I WANT ONE!! That dumbass Andrea is still stupid as ever. I guess blondes act the same even during the zombie apocalypse. Thank balls that Rick got Maggie and Glenn out of that place, I was super worried that one of them was gonna die, which would killll me because they are faves. Lori and T-Dog have been killed off. I hated Lori, so I was glad to see her go, Thank CARL! New black people have been brought in to replace T-Dog... I only say this because if you notice, they only have one black survivor at a time. I'm sorry if it offends you but take it up with the producers lol. And plus, there are currently 3 on the show... we shall see which 2 they kill off, probably in the premiere. I have heard that more main characters are going to parish in the last half of the season, well only some of the ones that are not mentioned in the comic/graphic novel. This scares me because I have not read the graphic novel and therefore do not know who the characters are in that. My Jesse says that she will completely STOP watching if Daryl is killed which is understandable because she air-humps a little whenever he's on screen. But, hello Norman Reedus is amazingly sexy. I will be equally upset if Glenn and/or Maggie are killed. I don't know if I would stop watching like she plans, because the show is just too amazing... but I will for sure cry my eyes out. It's like losing a family member. I cried like a baby when Dale was ripped open last season, same thing happened when Glenn and Maggie were kidnapped. Ok so bottom line is, I am looking forward to the season!!! Woohoo, WALKING DEAD!

Ok, I think I have taken up enough of your time for the day. I will try harder to keep up with this better, and I hope you stick with me and continue joining my wackiness. My words of real wisdom for the day: Hug your loved ones, thank a veteran, and always overuse I Love You...

Good night folks <3